how to add image in topbar menu

how to add image in topbar menu       
2 answers

Hi Sanjay,

If you want to add the image as logo of your application please find the Atlas_Topbar layout and there you can add a static image widget and you can add your respective logo in that.else if you want to add images in the menu section go to navigation and in the navigation menu in the place of icons you can add the images for that you want to upload the images or svgs or jogs into your images folder of mendix modeler


Hope this information helps.


Hi Sanjay,


You can add a logo to your app by setting this up in the css settings.


- First, add the image you want to use as your logo to the ‘Theme’ folder of your app (C:\Users\UserX\Documents\Mendix\Example_App\theme)

- In your modeler, open App/Styling/Web/custom-variables.scss

- On line 26, it says $brand-logo: false;

Change this so it matches the filename of your image, for example to $brand-logo: ‘mylogo.png’;
