Reserved word?

I want to add an attribute with the name ‘Break’ but I get an error “The name ‘Break’ is a reserved word”. What does it mean “The name ‘Break’ is a reserved word”? At the moment there is no any attribute in the entyty with the same name. Were there already an attribute with the same name and if yes, how to really remove it from the entity?  
4 answers

Hi Ivica,

The reserved words cannot be used as attribute names because they are predefined words as break continue are words which used in microflows so they are reserved words already something is performing with that keyword.


Hi Ivica,
Mendix has a backend in java and front end built in all the enums ,Microflows nanoflows etc are translated in java 
    S400000000002_CSL(new java.lang.String[][] { new java.lang.String[] { "en_US", "S400000000002-CSL" } }),
    S400000000002_CL2(new java.lang.String[][] { new java.lang.String[] { "en_US", "S400000000004-CL2" } }),
    S400000000006_S__Hypo(new java.lang.String[][] { new java.lang.String[] { "en_US", "S400000000006-S. Hypo" } }),
    S400000000008_H2_COMPRESSED(new java.lang.String[][] { new java.lang.String[] { "en_US", "S400000000008-H2-COMPRESSED" } }),

now if mendix allows the java keywords this code will not compile anymore.
similerly React keywords are not allowed yet.
also some additionsl ketwords which mendix uses like owner createdDate are not allowed too.

like owner createdDate are not allowed too.


Some words are reserved in Mendix. That means that they are used internally by Mendix and you as a user are not allowed to use them.

Found some list of reserved words in here: Enumerations | Mendix Documentation

Look under: “It cannot be a reserved word (click to see a list of reserved words)”


Hi Ivica, putting an _ before your attribute name could be an option:
