Excel Exporter: Automatically add header row?

Is there a way to automatically add a header row to an exported excel spreadsheet based on the column names set up ?   Right now the documentation tells us to specify which row the data starts on, implying that we should be adding the header manually outselves in the data. This causes a big problem: This means that ALL detail rows *MUST* be of type STRING, otherwise you can’t add text in the header row. However if you do this, you can’t add decimal data in the detail rows. I mean… you *CAN* but then not only do you have to convert all integers/decimals to string, but when it exports, excel gives these REALLY ANNOYING errors that the data appears to be numbers stored as string. Before any sorting/processing can be done, end users have to highlight all the data, click the warning and click “Convert to numbers:. It’s a really cumberson, unprofessional way to handle numeric data. 
2 answers

Are you referring to the Excel Exporter / XLSReport module? That definitely caters for your scenario. There is an option to add the headers, configured in the template, as first row. No need to set all attributes to string.



Please refer to the XLSExport settings: Nothing in here seems to mention anything about a header. There are header “styles” but they only allow for basic formatting and dont mention anything about turning the header ON

