New Email module hickup ?

Just added the new Email module and get this message on deploying C:\Users\Lex\Ontwikkeling\Pillo\javasource\advemail\actions\ cannot find symbol symbol : class Attachment location: package email.proxies import email.proxies.Attachment; ^ C:\Users\Lex\Ontwikkeling\Pillo\javasource\advemail\actions\ cannot find symbol symbol : class Attachment location: class advemail.actions.SendEmailAttachments for (Attachment a : Message.getAbstractEmailMessage_Attachment()) ^ Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. 2 errors
2 answers

That error indicates some proxy classes cannot be located, because you changed the module name (which is part of the Java package name). If would import the module using the name "Email" (not case sensitive), the errors should be gone.

If you really want to use another name for the module, you'd have to change the package names and include statements in the Java classes of the module.


We will provide a bug fix tomorrow morning.
