Reject task setting

Hello, I have a project based on “Approval Apps” template and i need a help. In the workflow is a decision approve/reject and when the decision will be a reject, I set the workflow end. And what i need? After the user reject the task, in “my requests” want to show rejected task and count them. The counter works great, but I don't see the rejected tasks and I've already tried all possible variants. Can you advise me what to focus on?
3 answers

What entity are you trying to display in the overview?

Try displaying the UserTaskView entity instead from the workflowcommons module, see the taskinbox page as an example.

Hope this helps!


Yeah, I trying display entity WorkflowUserTask, exactly the same as with the side items (realization, schedule - there it works), but nothing appears here.


Have anybody other some advice? In other side items all works good with the same principe, but rejected task doesn´t work.
