Json Structure

Hi All  I have one Requirement In my project i.e   I have one json Structure with help of that i have to import these values in my project to one entity and set these values to attribute. {"level": "SystemEngineersArray",     "SystemEngineersArray": [         "Software Engineer",         "Sr. Software Engineer",         "Implementaton Engineer.",         "Sr. Implementation  Engineer.",         "Application Engineer",         "Sr. Application Engineer",         "Trainee Engineer",         "Design Engineer"     ] } In this entity Desingnation entity i have store the  values from json structure. Like: -All These SystemEngineers Arrays Values should be set to Designation in Designation Entity in below picture. -And For all these SystemEngineers Arrays Values level enum should be equals to SystemEngineerRole. So please any one help me regarding this task . Thanks in Advance.  
1 answers

Create a Message definition for the import mapping, in the import mapping set the type JSON structure 

Click Select and create a new JSON format, in that JSON format paste your format and click on the format button then you will get the Json structure , using that structure mapping your non-presistence entity and then in microflow map the data by using change obejct.

