Error when redirecting between two applications with page url

Hi all,   For a project we need to redirect from one application A to another B. To be specific, I want to redirect to an object page. We have installed    To do this,  In app B I have placed a page url on the specific page with /p/Object/{id}. The ID is the object guid I have transferred the ID from app B to app A In app A I have a page with UrlRedirector on it. In app A I have created a microflow where I set the url to {base_url_app_B}/sso/login?f=true&cont=p/Object/{id}. This url is passed to the UrlRedirector    When redirecting, I get the following error  In my theme folder I have index.html as well as index3.html (needed for the sso)   The same error occurs when I refresh a page with a page url initialised. 
1 answers

Did you try deeplink module from marketplace to acheive this functionality?Did you try deeplink module from marketplace to acheive this functionality?
