In Stories on the Developer Platform the filter is not repeated with selected tags.

Am I missing a setting? - If I filter stories on a tag (say: Ready for test) this works.  - I then select a story. - The story opens in a popup.  - I close the popup. (the filter refreshes?) - I return to the filter bar.  What do I do to refresh the filter? If I click in the textbox and hit ENTER the first tag of the list is added and then the filter is run.  Category: No idea. The screen reads "Developer portal” Mendix studio version: I bet you could figure that out for me.    
1 answers

When you close the popup the list of stories is refershed using the filter that is set.

So if you set this to lable “Ready for test” this will remain active in the filter text box and the list is filtered with this option, so no need to refresh the filter.

To clear the filter you can use the X on the filter box or the smaller x on the search terms, the list of stories will reflect the new filter automatically.
