CSV File Export

i have to send email with attachment of my data in CSV format. I tried doing that i could able to send mail with csv attachment, when i try to preview the file in mail it is showing data in coma separated format like without any rows and columns but when i try to download it, it is working fine. it is showing data properly.it should work properly even when i preview the file how to resolve this ? can anyone help me in this it would be helpful.   Thanks and Regards, Srihitha.
1 answers

This sounds like it’s more of an issue with your email client rather than the data as you have said it works when you download it and open it in another application.

CSV is just comma separated text, so unless your email client knows a different way to render it, it will treat it as text.

I believe Outlook can use Excel as a preview tool if you have an Office 365 subscription, and that would render into rows and columns as you are expecting.

Hope this helps.
