hi all! i am attempting to style a chart using json styling however i am very new to json. i have found the below example for hovering styling via mendix docs, however when i attempt to change the hover label color it does not change. what am i doing wrong? additionally, does anyone know where I can find more examples for json styling? I see the live editor on plotly ( http://plotly-json-editor.getforge.io/ ) however since I basically know nothing about json, it isn’t very useful as of now. { "hovermode": "text", "hovertext": "text", "hoverinfo": "all", "textposition": "inside", "hoverlabel": { "bgcolor": "#888", "bordercolor": "#888", "font": { "color": "white" } } } Thank you all for always helping out! ADDITIONAL QUESTION: I found the blow example on https://plotly.com/python/bar-charts/ and would love to include the text above bars. This code is shown but how would I include this on my Mendix app? This is the link to the getting started but is says python, as I am new to development, I’m not sure if python is the language that I need to use
Corina Lopez
1 answers
In order to style your app, Mendix offers SCSS. As far as I know you can't use JSON or python to style items in Mendix.
I would recommend start reading here in order to figure out how to style some of the items