How do i configure application.conf for schedules events?

How do i configure application.conf file for disable,specificate or enable my all schedule on production environment in Mendix
4 answers


# Scheduled events 
# In development and test all scheduled events are executed. In acceptance 
# and production one can choose per instance if all, none or specified scheduled 
# events should be executed.  
# For this purpose two properties exist: 
# - ScheduledEventExecution (ALL,NONE,SPECIFIED) -> defaults to ALL 
# - MyScheduledEvents (comma-separated list of events which should be executed on this             
# Example: 
# ScheduledEventExecution = SPECIFIED 
# MyScheduledEvents = MyFirstModule.A, MyFirstModule.B


Thank you for your answer

Now,I can't disable schedule events by any specified in application.conf

Let me show my setting in application.conf

Time 1
####################################################################### # Scheduled events # # In development and test all scheduled events are executed. In acceptance # and production one can choose per instance if all, none or specified scheduled # events should be executed. # For this purpose two properties exist: # - ScheduledEventExecution (ALL,NONE,SPECIFIED) -> defaults to ALL # - MyScheduledEvents (comma-separated list of events which should be executed on this instance) # # Example:

ScheduledEventExecution = NONE

Time 2
####################################################################### # Scheduled events # # In development and test all scheduled events are executed. In acceptance # and production one can choose per instance if all, none or specified scheduled # events should be executed. # For this purpose two properties exist: # - ScheduledEventExecution (ALL,NONE,SPECIFIED) -> defaults to ALL # - MyScheduledEvents (comma-separated list of events which should be executed on this instance) # # Example:

ScheduledEventExecution = SPECIFIED
MyScheduledEvents = Planning.DialyCap

Both time do all schedule events enable as well What's wrong with me?

Thanks in advance :)


In development and test all scheduled events are executed.

Is your DTAP mode either A(cceptance) or P(roduction)?


Yes,My DTAP mode is acceptance

I use this command start application in command promt

java -jar -Xms256M -Xmx1024M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 WEB-INF\lib\mx.jar -o application_acc.conf -m acc
