Adding List to Reference Selector Drop-Down

I created an entity (LoanTransferPrin) with a many to one association with entity (Loan).   And I am using a microflow to populate LoanTransferPrin with data. I have tried a few different ways to populate the entity.  I am able to display the list in a list view but not in a dropdown. In the dropdown, only the last item is displayed.    
2 answers

Hi Stacey Fister,
With your Domain Model Design, You Can only Show the LoanTransferPrin  in a list view. Since these are all mapped to a loan.


In the Drop down you have mapped a 1-1 association so it will only show which one data( Provide you have set the association)

 If you can let me know what you want to achieve, I could help you here. 




Thanks Dinesh Kumar. What I am trying to do is create entity LoanTransferPrinList that has a few of the entity Loan attributes. I need multiple LoanTransferPrinLists because there are multiple Loans. Then I want to display the obligation number in a dropdown. Please advise on how to do this.

I am trying to create a new page that allows the customer to transfer money from one loan to another.
