Payment Gateway

Which payment gateway is best and easy in mendix ?  Out of ( Rayzor pay, PayPal , Stripe)
1 answers

Hi Vishnu Priya,
We can not say which one is best, since all have their own advantages and disadvantages , but I can guide you for Razorpay, since I have worked on it..please find the below steps..

1.Download rayzor pay module from Market Place and Convert the module into your Version.


             1.Copy the index.html file in deployment -> web and paste that file in theme ->web directory.

              2.Open the index file in visual studio or any other editor paste the below script in that file

                  3.<script src=""> </script>

              4.Create an overview page for Authentication and Company Entity.

             5. Add the page into Navigation

              6.In output enter Key and Id (download in the Rayzor pay website).

In your payment button call one Nanoflow

              First activity create object for company entity.

              Second activity create object for order entity.

              Call CMI_RZP_Nanoflow_MakePayment nano flow.
