Were is located the folder with all the users crated in a branch?

i can access to the branch folder in my documets but, cant find the folder with all the users created in that branch 
3 answers

You can find the data of a local model/database via

Project folder on disc/deployment/data

Copy this whole folder and paste it in project folder of other branch line




Any users created in that branch will be in the database used by that branch.  You won’t find them in a directory on your disk.




You can also include a snapshot of data that will travel with your model and be available to anyone who opens the model.  Documentation can be found here:  https://docs.mendix.com/howto/data-models/sharing-the-development-database/#7-committing-the-data-snapshot


i may explain myself poorly, i will try again:


I dont need to visualize the users i have, i just want to take the folder with all my users and pasted in another branch so i dont need to set up that again from scratch. 

