Add values to a single column on graph

Hello everyone!  I’ve been having trouble with a chart, I want to display just two columns, ok orders and no ok orders. Since I have different reasons why the orders can be no ok (14 in total) when I try to graph it I end with separete columns, something like this: I want to have just one column with the no ok orders, but in a different series than the ok orders.  I tried using the xpath constraint but still have different columns, also tried with a microflow, doing the retrieve and the using operator lists but the graphs stills the same.    Is there a way I can add/sum all the values of the no ok orders in just one column?
1 answers

Hi Kenya Castellanos,

Are you using any chart widgets?

If not you can make use of any chart widget from the marketplace. 
You can load the data using JSON Constructed from a microflow.


Mendix Any Chat documentation :


 For Stacked Bar charts check the Plotly site for JSON: 

link for your reference :


 Hope it helps!!1

