Validation Issue

When I have validation on a field of a form, do an action to make the validation fail, correct the validation issue without leaving the field, then attempt to click a button, the button action does not occur.   This occurs on some of Mendix’s own forms too. Follow these steps to replicate: Go to Delete the Company name if it autofilled. Click Next The validation message appears preventing you from continuing as expected Input a Company name and click Next without leaving the Company field The validation message disappears but it doesn’t take you to the next page. Clicking Next a 2nd time is successful.   In my application I noticed the issue with a button that was calling a Nanoflow. I changed it to a Microflow so that I could disable ‘Abort on validation errors’ but the issue still occured.   Anyone know if there’s a way to get around this issue?
1 answers

Yep. When triggered by a action-button, a field-validation does break the rest of the action, if it’s results changes from ‘nok’ to ‘ok’.

Seems to be design flaw, so I would suggest reporting it to Mendix.


- like Vadim said
