I want to start working with Mendix. How to proceed?

Hi! As a pretty senior frontend programmer, I see a lot of future in Mendix. Now I have a lot of experience in 'pro-code', so writing apps using code (Angular, React, HTML, scss, Node) but not too much with low or no-code. Also, I'm a certified UX researcher/designer, not in Mendix but in general IT. My CV is LinkedIn.com/in/aartdenbraber   What could be a good position for me for Mendix employers? And what courses would make me the most valuable for such employers?
1 answers

Hi Aart
The best to start is to read and exercise :)

This gives you a clear overview on what Mendix exactly is and where it can be used for: https://www.mendix.com/evaluation-guide/

For your personal development in your Mendix journey, I advise you start the crash course, level Rapid, on https://academy.mendix.com/

Good luck, have fun!

Kind regards,

