Production Environment Isssue

Hi Team, Currently we are working on one customer application which is live in production since 2-3 years. Previously application was developed in Mendix Version 8.17.0 and now we upgraded it to 9.6.0 along with some coding changes/development. Everything is working as expected in Test and Acceptance Environment but when we deployed latest changes into production, we faced some issue for one of our screens. When we called screen from navigation it's just showed loading continuously for long time so we check logs and fournd below error:   2:59:24 PMAPPINFO"mdm_customer$dashboard"."id" ASC LIMIT ? 2:59:40 PMAPPINFOOCK_Call_invite_Page: Calling invite Page 3:00:08 PMAPPINFOShow Home Page new customer Microflow: Deep Link URL is NOT configured-Anonymous User 3:00:08 PMAPPINFOUSerRole check for NewCustomer: User not found. Must be anonymous user 3:00:13 PMAPPINFOShow Home Page new customer Microflow: Deep Link URL is NOT configured-Anonymous User 3:00:13 PMAPPINFOUSerRole check for NewCustomer: User not found. Must be anonymous user 3:00:52 PMAPPINFOShow Home Page new customer Microflow: Deep Link URL is NOT configured-Anonymous User 3:00:52 PMAPPINFOShow Home Page new customer Microflow: Deep Link URL is NOT configured-Anonymous User 3:00:52 PMAPPINFOUSerRole check for NewCustomer: User not found. Must be anonymous user 3:00:52 PMAPPINFOUSerRole check for NewCustomer: User not found. Must be anonymous user 3:01:03 PMAPPWARNINGJetty: {} is too large {}>{} - Header - 8193 - 8192 Error: Connection closed. Please refresh the page, or contact Support if issues persist.   Could you please help us to resolve this issue?
1 answers

I migt be wrong here but what did you put in your LoginLocation constant? Because those logs gives some hints in that direction. You could also create a support ticket and ask support what those errors could mean.

LoginLocation – This value is used for redirecting the user to a login page in case the user does not have the required user role to access the app. A user will be redirected to this location when the user visits a deep link while having an anonymous user session and the app is configured to not allow anonymous users.

