Glyphcon icon for the dropdown container doesnt work.

How can I add a glyphcon icon to a dropdown container widget? I tried different class names in the corresponding field, but I see an empty square instead of an icon, or no icon at all. Should I install some additional foints?   Can you send me please any example class that should work as a glyphcon icon for the dropdown container widget?    
2 answers

I did a quick test: when adding glyphicon-<iconname> (e. g. glyphicon-asterisk), the glyphicon is displayed. Note that you do not need to add “glpyhicon glyphicon-asterisk”.


I've had this issue before, it could be that somewhere in your css you're overwriting the standard font-family where the glyphicons are stored. 

You could take a look at that, if for example you have a button-scss property where you overwrite font-family (maybe with !important) it could mess up the included icons
