There is attribute study No of type string and budget id of type string Budget id contains studyNo in it I have data grid which had studyNo column in it when i import it i must be able to extract this study No from Budget Id

  Budget Id in excel  along with Study No are : 1.BI23356(Budget Id)  2073478(Study No)                                                                               2.  BI256456 – 23947575                                                                             3.   645467(study No) – BIwe566(Budget ID)                                                                                 4. 23389    BI233537 Both are attributes are string type I have data grid which had studyNo column in it when i import it i must be able to extract this study No from Budget Id   In excel there is a FORMULA on StudyNO Column i.e ,   =IFERROR(MID(AD2,FIND("******",SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(AD2,"0","*"),"1","*"),"2","*"),"3","*"),"4","*"),"5","*"),"6","*"),"7","*"),"8","*"),"9","*")),6),"")  AD refers to BudgetID
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