Mendix 9: Missing horizontal scroll bar

Hi Mendix community,   When we switched from Mendix 7 to Mendix 9 we realized that horizontal scroll bar is missing. We have one application for which we need to have very wide page and users have to scroll horizontally.    In Mendix 7 there were automatically visible horizontal scroll bar located just above page footer which was not scrollable (position was fixed to the bottom of client screen). In Mendix 9 we use Siemens UI instead of Atlas UI but actually I tried multiple UIs for that page and scroll bar nowhere. I know I can show vertical scroll bar by changing the css for container (layout grid, etc.) but such scroll bar is located below the container and therefore not always visible (you need to scroll vertically to reach it).   Is there any way how I can get horizontal scroll bar back for version 9? It should be located on the bottom of the screen (the same way as vertical scroll bar).   Mendix 7   Mendix 9  
1 answers

You can try adding a scroll container in the page and place the widget in the scroll container. You might need some css for eg. 

overflow-y: hidden;
overflow-x: scroll;
