App slowness post Upgrade to Mendix 9 OnCloud app

HI All, we have upgraded our App from Mx 7x to 9x. App works fine after restart but suddenly after few mins app gets too slow (Loading of index page and navigation to other pages etc). Below is the error which is logged in the live logs. 12:37:34APPERRORConnectionBus: Opening JDBC connection to Some( failed with SQLState: 08001 Error code: 0 Message: Connection attempt timed out. Retrying...(1/4) 12:37:34APPWARNINGConnectionBus: Database connections: 45 active, 0 idle.   If anyone faced the same issue and have a solution to it, kindly let me know.   Thanks
1 answers

Hi Rahul,


Can you tell me a little more about the Database you are connecting to?  A JDBC connection timeout could be caused by the database too. But my first impression is that the number of database connections is exhausted. 


Look here for how to set them:


Go Make It
