Hi Chandra shekhar,
Create one microflow(e.g.getCountOfData), to that microflow pass that datagrid result set(ListOfData) as parameter. Then in microflow
use the action 'Aggregate list' then choose action → function → count on that pass $ListOfData as list input parameter to get count and then return that count from your microflow.
Use this microflow where you want to show count value. you can modify this logic as per your requirement(like you can have this microflow as datasource microflow for dataview and returning dataviewobject with updated count value).
Hope this solution helps you.
Thank you.
Hi Chandra shekar,
create a microflow and retrive the list of your needed data and add a aggregate list activity and choose count operation in the function you will get the count of the list and pass that count value to the page to display the count of records or else you can get it on debug of the flow in the variables tab.
Hope this information helps.