Hi ,I am new to mendix and want help with the below scenario. I have created a page for login where user enters username and password(Note I created two entities where (1)users will create login details for them ,that will act as master table and one more (ii)entity where user has to login with the created details. So when user enters his username and password and click login ,it will take user to next page. The login button will call a microflow, where the microflow will check if the entered username and password are not empty and also it is correct ,once it is correct it will take user to next page. My question is in that page i want the username detail to be displayed in one of the text box field. How do i achieve this?
Ramya Kumar
1 answers
From a microflow end point return the value and on the page ,on the data view give the data source to that microflow from where u are returning the value.