Refresh Multiple pages in single click of button.

Hi ! I have 47 pages and on all those page change their state in every 5 min. i am calling a microflow on each page and whenever page loads/refresh  the stage of that page is change . Now the problem is i need to visit each page one by one for call the microflow again and again . i tried microflow timer but it only work when i am on that page. i need the functionality that when i click on button so all the page should get refreshed without opening the particular page . Thank you
2 answers

Hi Himanshu,

Probably, I do not understand completely your situation yet. What do you mean by page changing its state? If the data used on the page is already changing regularly, you only have to deal with presentation of the page. Or you would like to run an update periodically, which is a simple scheduled job, and so you have to deal with updating as well. (You have to deal with page refreshing in both cases.)

Anyway, based on your current description, I would try the following 2 simple solutions:
1) (Manual) Create a MF invoking all other MFs which are currently invoked by each page;
2) (Automatic) Add a schedule event which can invoke a MF such described in #1.





Hi Himanshu,


Supposed that:

- you have entity instances with this ‘State’ attribute

- you have to check these instances in order to refresh according to a state machine of the Entity;

- all state transition is specified by the state machine and all additional information is stored in attributes of this entity (e.g. creation/due date determines when the state has to be changed to ‘delayed’ in case of no action);
- all the referred “47 pages” present one of such instances.

In this case, I would:

  • create an event with 1 min repetition which is responsible to maintain the states of all instances according to the state machine and the instance values;
  • build such pages with presenting the current state value and having a capability to refresh itself periodically. For refreshing page, you can apply Refresh page widget or a more complex technique of Pusher based on external service .


Hope this helps you.


