product backlog refinement question

- What is the goal of Product backlog  refinement team? • Make sure that all user points have storypoints assigned • Throw out all the stories that the team thinks they cannot develop • Make sure the text of the userstories is written in refined language • Clarify the user stories and make them small enough to do the tasks in less than a day
1 answers

Hi Maria,


The “Backlog refinement” activity (not team) is a chance for PO and the developer team to come to the same page and so explain about / ask for the details before thinking that story is ready for sprint (backlog) planning and for estimation of story points. The “Product backlog refinement team” should aim at this same goal as well.


Therefore, in my opinion, they should:

- not deal with story points, and leave them for planning;
- not throw out anything (PO will select/order), just ask about them in order to understand requirement much more;

- expand the US with all new aspects and information helping to understand the US much more;

- explain if the US is too big and so it should be divided smaller stories. 


Hope it helps.



