Forget password URL expiration

Hi Reader,   I am developing a forget password functionality by page URL via sending an email. I want that URL to be expired after 10 mins. How can I do this?   The url of the page is generated by the URL property of the page.   How can I expire that URL?   Thanks and Regards, Harshraj Singh
2 answers

Hi Harshraj,


I am not sure if such thing by default available in Mendix .


You can achieve this using deeplink . Create  a deeplink for forgot password and add timestamp while sending the link and maintain the same . When user is hitting the link check if timestamp is before 10 min then redirect user to different page with expired message and give option to regenerate again .


Hi Harshraj,


In the MF Step1_ShowForgotPasswordPage you can change the attribute ValidUntill with for example 



When changing content of an Appstore module you could consider to make a copy of the microflow and put it in a separate module because it will be overwritten when you reimport the module from the marketplace.


Regards, Thijs
