On Click events

Hi All,  Am new to Mendix and I have one doubt that how to implement on click events, Where the data is  fetched and displayed in one div tag. If I click any one row then immediately it has to disappear and  that clicked data needs to be displayed after this next div tag needs to be highlighted. Please find below image to view.  Please do suggest me for further solving the issue. Thank you.  
1 answers

Create a view object entity in which you keep a record of the visibility per container.



 – DivOneVisible (boolean)

 – DivTwoVisible (boolean)

 – etc


Go to the page.

Add a dataview with the ‘WindowView’ object (load it through a datasource, or as a page parameter)

Inside the dataview you can create the containers (divs) and make the visibility dependent on the boolean attribute (for example DivOneVisible).

Inside each div, you can now add a dataview with a datasource microflow which can fetch the data you want.


