Restrictions on column names in ExcelImporter?

After getting all the bits and pieces in working order, I gave the "generate Template from Excel" another go. Try # 1 worked more or less OK (a simple 3 column basic sheet). Switching to the serious work I tried it magic on a production supplied set.... ... which promptly turned nasty on me and hung up the application on an error message getelementsbytagname(..) .0. value ´is leeg of geen object clicking through the message allow me to click on the buttons on the form, but whatever I click prompts an "activity" bar at the bottom and the next message like above Looking at the difference in input between the set that does, and the one that dont the simple set has just 1 tab, the production set has several naming conventions in production mean that the "bad" set has both tab-names and column-names that contain _ (<-- underscore) Any suggestions ?
4 answers

Using Excel-files including underscores in tabs and column-names and having no problems. You can rule that out.

Never seen the error, but looks like something in the area of having defined a key-field in the template settings, but the attribute has more than one value in the database


The error is a JavaScript error, so i guess it has nothing to do with the ExcelImporter, but that you ran into a probably completely unrelated other bug. Is it reproducible? If so, can you file a bug report?


I caught on what was causing it later last night, and forgot to feedback here.

I had all the parts needed in the application, but accidently connect the wrong microflow to the onstart, which caused the model reflection to misbehave, in turn causing the importer problems.

I am trying to fix and reproduce now, but current trafic is jamming me, so more later !


I am still having trouble gettin this to work

  1. I have a simple file that is saved as XLS (but created in Excel 2007 version)
  2. When trying to create a template from this it starts the proces
  3. After a while it pops the "continue" button and opens the "basic" template form with a new template ID, but without any kolomheaders (which I had expected to see)

Also, when creating the kolom definitions by hand, and trying to import, I get no errormessages, the "File Imported" message, but no results
