csv related issues.

hi team, 1.how i can change the name of  csv file generated by mendix?   i have used this csv module=https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/108605 2. is it poosible to give template to csv file ?? if yes please suggest me the ways . Thanks  
2 answers

After you call ExportCSV or a variant with a filedocument change the name of the filedocument.

What do you mean with Template?



Thanks Chris for answering,
Yes i have change the name of filedocument but it still downloading with the random name like 'export_23546765654.csv' . Plz see the Screenshot i have attached.

and for that template part => acually data in my csv is not print as what i want , its printing anywhere in a row . So i want to make it specific order  .  

for example 
i want to print the attribute values in CSV like  -  EMPID , EMP_Name , EMP_Depart

but it prints in any order like -  EMP_Depart , EMPID , EMP_Name

can you help in this .




