Tutorial Update?

I've completed Pizza Mario and am now keen to progress. However whenever I look on your site I see: Mendix Business Modeler Tutorials Get started with the Mendix Modeler, these links will help you understand some basics. There are no tutorials for the Mendix Business Modeler yet. Check again later! Can you suggest when it might be a good time to check again, or suggest how beginners jump from Pizza Mario to a basic understanding of the package features?
9 answers

The videos are a good idea. You just need to make them 10 - 50 times longer. You should cover the basics of the product so people have a starting point to explore the detail.

A reference guide is useful but it's not a tutorial (unless all the other software vendors have got it completely wrong).

If you don't need tutorials then take out the pointless "Check again later" entries in your web site.

Currently you are limiting yourselves to those people who can afford to maintain a close relationship with Mendix. That could be a rather exclusive club.


Hi Mike,

You have a valid point. We are aware of the importance of more documentation and tutorials. Within a couple of weeks we will launch a full set of how-to's in addition to the reference guide. These how-to's will guide you in using the different parts of the Mendix Business Modeler.


Johan - Excellent news.

Any product is not just about how good it is, but also how effectively customers can make use of it. And how much that usability makes them love it.


Did you looked at the video's like https://world.mendix.com/pages/releaseview.action?pageId=11141143

Maybe you could start with building your own app!


Browse through the table of contents of the reference guide. Reads as a book...



The best way to learn is by using the product. Mendix could make video's for all the basics, but you will learn more my trying it yourself.


Anyone with time on their hand to strip down Pizza Advance example app or any other as a training resource would definately be doing us beginners a big help. I am new here and already fearing that this will yet be another application only to be known by a handful people and I will not have a look-in. I can see a wide range of how-to's in the main site but since these are peace-meal type tutorials, will not help to get the overall picture of how to work in Mendix.

I am talking about starting from "File -> New Project" point of view to what the Pizza Advance app is like (maybe in the course of the tutorial, build new advance features to the app as is with those following in the tutorial.

Any takers? I will be in the lesson(s) myself, you can use skype/mikogo/yugma technologies for this and share this first class knowledge with others...

For those interested as learners, please indicate your location so that any contributor can start to map out the timings such online lessons can take.

I am in the UK myself...

Thanks again,



Hi Kotin,

Please send me an email with your Skype contact details (nick.ford@mendix.com) and I'm sure we can help break down the Mendix tutorials to provide more detailed knowledge from the ground up.

Perhaps we can do this in some short GoTO meeting sessions on a scheduled basis.

More than happy to discuss this approach.

Thanks Nick Ford


Are there any Mendix training resources on other sites? While the screencast are a great introduction they dont go into a huge level of detail, and I found the reference guide far too detailed for a beginner.
