Where can I find the disabled Mendix objects in the javasource folder?

Where can I find the disabled Mendix objects in the javasource folder like the disabled microflows, pages etc?
1 answers

Hello Raghav Balasubramanyam,

First let me explain how generally Mendix Studio Pro works, All the edits you do will be saved in mendix mpr file which is considered to be the local copy. The contents inside the folder javasource and some are generated during runtime or if you deploy for eclipse.


Coming to your question, the content excluded from the project can’t be found anywhere inside javasource because it is generated during runtime. It will be presented inside the mpr file. If you export your module, document are any to package ie.mpk file you won’t see the excluded documents as the name suggests.

Hope my answer helps. Reach me out if you have any queries.
