While displaying data in grid, I have buttons on the top of the grid but I want to have those actions performed by buttons in leftmost column of grid for each row. Can you please help me for doing this?

While displaying data in grid, I have buttons on the top of the grid but I want to have those actions performed by buttons in leftmost column of grid for each row. i. e. In my grid I will have one leftmost column, in which I will have icon for action for each added row. On click of that action icon, I will have operations that can be performed on that row. like, delete, edit, etc. Can I do above in Mendix? If yes then can you please guide me.
5 answers

And what about list views ?



As Sinan mentioned you could use the listview for this purpose. If you'd like to have the datagrid options such as search and pagination in a similar fashion, you could also try the TemplateGrid.


Another option would be to use the DataGrid Extension widget (in the app store). It allows you to include inline buttons on your data grid.


Thanks for replies. Will the DataGrid Extension widget work with modeler version 6.3.1? I am asking this because I found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6d0557bhkw If it works fine with 6.3.1 modeler version then can you please tell me "How can I add DataGrid Extension widget inside the context of entity? I have data grid in which I want to show action menu on left hand side of each row. "


Sorry, the link I wanted to mention above was https://github.com/Andries-Smit/DataGridExtention/issues
