Just tested and works fine on my end. Didn't set up (Basic) Auth via the Authorization tab of the request, but rather by adding the Authorization header with value MxToken YourPAT
For reference, this is my URL https://repository.api.mendix.com/v1/repositories/<APPID>/branches/main/commits
Note that the mainline is actually called ‘main’ and not ‘trunk’
Hi Tjerk,
I’m experiencing the same issue. Trying to get the information of the branches in the Repository API. Created a postman request (GET) with the correct URL and added the Authorization header with the value “MxToken <<PAT>>”, but I receive a 403 error (You’re not allowed to perform this request). The scope of the created PAT does not have any limitation and the connected account has all permissions on app level. Were you able to solve the issue?