Is it posible to auto generate data table based on a Project start and end date?

Hi everyone, hope you are doing well.  We are developing an app that manages Projects. Now our clients wants a page that displays annual data with months on it which are editable, is it posible to auto generate a table with years and months based on the project start date and end date? Like when you create a project and let’s say put January 2018 as start date with December 2020 as end date, is it posible to make a page that will display a table that will cover the duration of those dates? If so please enlighten us, any help is highly appreciated. Please refer to screenshot attached for reference. Thank you for your help.
2 answers

I would suggest you:

- Create an entity Month with attributes Month Name, Month Number, and Year

- Create a microflow that takes the project start and end dates as input parameters.

- Here you calculate the number of months between the start and end dates eg by a Java action 

- Use a loop to iterate over each month between the start and end dates.

- Per each iteration in the loop, create a new Month object and set its Month Name, Month Number, and Year attributes based on current iteration

- Store the Month objects in a list and return it from the microflow

- Display the list of Month objects in a table on the page.

so you can dynamically generate a table with years and months based on the project start and end dates


Hi Jeffrey,


Yes, this is possible. You can create a Microflow that triggers after creating a project. This microflow could look something like this:


Hope this helps!

