Getting 404 error after Upgrading SAML Module

Hello All!   So I recently upgraded studio pro from 9.16.1 to 9.24.2. After that upgrade I was seeing some odd SAML behavior where after a session timeout, we’d get a looping redirect back-and-forth between the app and our IdP. I believe this has to do with the OriginURI cookie logic that is in our index3.html page but we have the exact same logic in other apps that don’t have this problem.    Since then I’ve tried to upgrade the SAML module in hopes to fix this issue. I’ve tried going to the most up-to-date version 3.6.1, which has resulted in a 404 error  so I then tried 3.6.0 and I couldn’t even get the package to build, even after trying to remove all duplicate jar files in the userlib folder. I then tried 3.3.8 just to see if a lower version would make a a difference since I’m upgrading from a relatively old version, 1.13.0, but even though the package builds, I’m still getting the 404 error.    Any and all help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
1 answers

Is it possible that multiple cookies exist for this app (domain name)?

In that case it might be possible that originURI cookie is not the first, and since cookies are separated by “; “ (semicolon+space) the default code from e.g. index-example.html is incorrect.  Default code works only if cookies are separated by only a semicolon.

You might try to change index3.html and add " *” before originURI:

           if (!document.cookie || !document.cookie.match(/(^|;)originURI=/gi))

                document.cookie = "originURI=/login.html" + (window.location.protocol === "https:" ? ";SameSite=None;Secure" : "");




            if (!document.cookie || !document.cookie.match(/(^|;) *originURI=/gi))

                document.cookie = "originURI=/login.html" + (window.location.protocol === "https:" ? ";SameSite=None;Secure" : "");

