Fields not populating with data as expected

I’m building out a form page for our application and I can’t get a set of fields to populate with the data I want. Below are some screen shots to help explain the outcome I’m looking for.   The first image above is the first part of the sample entry screen, when a user selects a Test Group (Highlighted) the next page should auto populate the tests associated with that test group and the acceptable limits the sample numbers can fall between.  At the moment the individual tests appear, however the ranges do not. I’m not sure if maybe I’m not handling the entity association correctly or perhaps, I’m going about pulling in the data the wrong way (I’m pulling TestDetails via its association with TestGroups). Below is what my domain model looks like and what I’m looking to be displayed.
2 answers

Hi Felix Rabinovich,

I am just suggesting some ideas try it . that field go to events session

2.generate a new microflow on on-leave session

3.In that microflow ,first check a condition whether the test group is empty or not .

4.if it is empty just end it else, attach show a page activity in it and select the page to be showed

5.In that page ,add a list or grid of that selected entity then add a xpath condition so that the selected test details will be showed


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