Empty List after String Import Mapping

Hello everyone, I have a string like this:    {   "result": {     "Results": [       {         "ParameterID": "Montage1_Utilization",         "DataTable": [           {             "State": "Working",             "Portion": 0.6857110204237123           },         ]      },      {         "ParameterID": "Montage1_Orderlist",         "DataTable": [           {             "Order": "1000001",             "Products": "KK1000AR-Type_A_Rot",             "Operation": "KK1000AR-Type_A_Rot_Montage",             "Tools": "",             "newTools": "",             "Workers": "",             "StartTime": "11.05.23 13:58:08",             "EndTime": "11.05.23 15:38:08",             "Goods": 5           },   where I only want the datatable within the Montage Orderlist with just the Attributes: Order, Products, Start and Endtime (necessary). So I mapped this like in the screenshot for the GanttChart widget. But every List is empty. Can somebody explain my mistake and/or how to fix this?
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