Push Notifications for Hybrud build

We are trying to get push notifications running in our hybrid app. This has worked before, yet since oktober last year the functionality stopped working. Im trying to figue out what happened and I’m leaning towards it being the upgrade to studio pro 9. We've updated the module (Push notifications connector : https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/3003 ) but sadly this didnt work. For push to work you need mobile devices to get registered yet this ois not happening in or hybrid build.  We are using studio Pro version 9.18.3 currently and the documentation available for hybrid builds is only there for pro version 8, for 9 its all about native. This could also be the reason i guess? Did we kill the functionality by upgrading to studio pro 9?    If so, is there a working alternative?    Any help would be appreciated.
1 answers

Have you checked the documentation of this widget?

It says "g. Delete all netty libraries that are marked with '.PushNotifications.RequiredLib' having a version below 4.1.86.Final) ”

Maybe this is causing your error?


Framework version: 9.18.0

Publish date: January 18, 2023

UUID: f3210738-e230-42ce-8d86-6a4d04faa724

Release Notes

- We Updated all netty libraries from version 4.1.78 to 4.1.86 (Please make sure to review the userlib folder in your project after updating. Delete all netty libraries that are marked with '.PushNotifications.RequiredLib' having a version below 4.1.86.Final) - We Added an index on DeviceID attribute in Device entity - We Updated Pop-up Menu widget compatibility to v3.3.0 - We Updated Data Widgets compatibility to v2.5.9
