Free App in Resuming App.. state for hours

Hi,   I have published an app a few days ago and the app was functioning fine. I am aware that free apps do go down after an hour or so but my app has been in ‘Resuming App..’ state for quite some time now, in fact another app I published too is experiencing this.   Is there a reason this is happening? Does anyone know the solution to this issue?    Thanks in advance.  
4 answers

Hi Naeem, 


is it already running? 

You could try to click on “view app” again.. Yes i need some time to wake it up, but not Hours :-)


Hi Naeem,

Resuming an app should only take a couple of minutes. Perhaps there is an error occurring while starting the application. I suggest looking at the live logs to see if you can find anything that’s causing the issue. You can find the live log under Environments.


I have the same with multiple sandbox apps since a couple of days (first noticed 4 days ago).

Won't start, no live log and can't be redeployed because of lack of ‘memory'.


When looking at the Environment page it says ‘Your app "'<name of the app>" is deployed in null.’


Seems like there is really something going wrong.


Hi everyone, after 2 weeks of inactivity my app was not waking up anymore. I had to publish it a couple of times to make it wake up again. Hopefully the database entries are intact
