File Manager OnChange Event required

  Hi Community,   This one would be a common requirement from customers that we should disable import button as shown in attached screenshot until the user selects a file. To Achieve this I added the dynamic class on import button i.e. if trim($currentObject/Name) != '' then '' else 'disabled' This does disable the button initially but after we select the file in file manager widget. The button doesn’t enable again until I added a separate button called import and call a dummy nanoflow which does nothing. This solution enables the Import button, but I would like to prevent this extra step. May be by calling that refresh nanoflow on onchange event of file manager, but unfortunately File Manager widget doesn’t have an onchange event. So, Can you help on how I can achieve the enabling and disabling of the import button?
2 answers

Hi Ravi, without answering your question directly, did you consider using the File Dropper widget? This widget includes quite some great UX features out of the box, which may help you fix this sooner. If not, I would be happy to think along for another solution.


Hi Ravi, without answering your question directly, did you consider using the File Dropper widget? This widget includes quite some great UX features out of the box, which may help you fix this sooner. If not, I would be happy to think along for another solution.
