How to resolve the error cannot write field name expecting a value while importing an excel file

Hi all, I am importing an excel file in my application. It is successfully import the data in test,acceptance and in my local environment. But if user tried to import same file in production environment its showed the message contact your system administrator and when I checked the logs this  error Jsongenerateexception cannot write field name expecting a value. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue.
1 answers

Hi Priyanka,


The most common cause of this is that there is a difference between environments. Some points to check could be:


  • Is it really the exact same excel file?
  • Did you run a refresh of MxModelReflection?
  • After this, did you configure the excel import template exactly the same as in the other environments?
  • Is there data in the database that could interfere with the import?
  • Are you logged in as a user with exactly the same user roles as in the other environments?

I hope this helps.

