Studio Pro Git Commit/Pull/Push Process

Hi,   Observed few issues with current Git repo check-in process, You can’t pull if you have uncommitted changes. Sometimes without any changes in studio pro, due to some unwanted changes in disk, it doesn’t allow to pull, resulting in false or unnecessary commits When you pull other changes from server, after you commit your local changes to local repository, you will see unexpected errors and conflicts even for the components which you haven’t touched or worked upon. (Usually in previous SVN process, multiple developers working on the same file, all changes are accepted, when components/fields are different). The bigger problem now is, you get all the changes/commits made by other developers as your own local changes when you do a pull. Isn’t it weird?   @All Mendix developers, are you following any specific process to get over it? Is this how Git gonna work or Mendix is working to fix these bugs?  
5 answers

Seeing all of the above, plus:

Click 'Pull' >  "We were unable to complete the pull because you have uncomitted changes. Please commit first before attempting to pull again"

Click 'commit': "There are no changes to commit."

Click 'Pull' again> it pulls as expected.



you can use TortoiseGIT


4. The bigger problem now is, you get all the changes/commits made by other developers as your own local changes when you do a pull. Isn’t it weird?

I do hope that there will be a solution here soon. It is now very difficult to see which developer has made which change. Very weird behaviour.


2. Sometimes without any changes in studio pro, due to some unwanted changes in disk, it doesn’t allow to pull, resulting in false or unnecessary commits

What we do in this case is "Version Control” → "Revert All Changes”, and then do the pull. This prevent the unnecessary commit, and we haven't seen any side effects so far.


relates to this idea


For the ghost changes you can do the following

-Open the Version Control menu

-Show Changes on disk

-Click on the file ''

-You will get a window showing the before (Orange highlight) and after (Yellow Highlight)

-Copy the text from the before and paste it to the after

-Save and Exit the window

Im not sure if this is the best way to go around this but I assume since changing something in the Project then manually changing it back shows no changes, makes this Okay to do.
