Getting error while committing the object in nanoflow.

Hi All,  I am working on a project, where I have created the page on that I’m calling a persistable entity by creating a object in  nanoflow as a data source. I want to save the user entered data so on Submit button I called a nanoflow. In this nanoflow I have validate all the attributes and after that I’m commiting this entity. While committing the object I am getting an error  as  An error occurred while executing an action of MyFirstModule.NewRequestRegistrationForm.actionButton3: undefined Nanoflow stack:  "Commit object(s) $RequestRegistration" in nanoflow "MyFirstModule.ACT_NewRequestRegistration_Save" Current page: MyFirstModule.NewRequestRegistrationForm   Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.   Here providing the nanoflow I have used 
2 answers

Hi Chaitali!

I will recommend you to use call microflow activity inside the nanoflow for committing the RequestRegistration object. 

When a nanoflow steps through its actions, client actions are directly executed. For example, an open page action immediately opens a page instead of at the end of the nanoflow. This is different from client actions in a microflow, which only run when the client receives the result from the microflow.

Hope this helps!



I had a similar issue on native application. Adding synchronization rules in the Native Navigation for that entity solved it for me. 
