How to display saved image in Sytem.FileDocument Entity to Image Viewer widget
Hi All, I’m new at Mendix Is it possible to display the saved image in System.FileDocument Entity in Image Viewer widget? Im using system.filedocument entity because I need to saved both image and documents but the problem is, I cannot preview the image. I tried System.Image entity it display the image, but only image can save. Any help will be helpful thank you.
If you are using the Image Viewer widget, it needs to be a System.Image object.
The System.Image entity is a specialisation of System.FileDocument, so if you can work with them just like System.FileDocument objects.
How does the data get into your application? It sounds like you maybe using a generic upload so you can’t differentiate between images and other types of file. Could you separate the upload into images and other types? It would make it easier to work with the different file types.