Adding Custom class to Project

Ok, so I’ve created a custom class to use on widget Grid Cell Styler.   I’m using Mendix 8.18.24. I’ve created the custom class and saved the file. I’ve imported it in the “custom.scss” and in the main.scss. I’ve synchronized the project directory and nothing, the new class does not appear on main.css. All the directories are correct.   I’ve also read somewhere that I should install Calypso but I tried it and still no changes to the main.css.    Can someone help me please on how to include the new class on the main.css? Also upgrading to Mendix 9 is not an option at the moment. Thanks in advance
2 answers

I know you said upgrading to Mendix 9 isn’t an option, but if you can upgrade your application to Mendix 9 or higher then you can edit styling directly in Studio Pro without the need to install and run Calypso. It’s a lot easier as changes to styles are reflected automatically as you build.

If you really can’t upgrade, then make sure you have Calypso running before you make any changes to the .scss file. If you have Calypso setup to watch the correct location it should detect when you save your changes and build the .css file. You can check this in Calypso’s console. If it doesn’t build, you probably don’t have Calpyso setup correctly.

Good luck!


Hi Vasco,


did you try and follow the manual?
