Email Configuration

Hii all , how can we configure outlook while configuring an email configuration  below are the details we are using while creating an email configuration for Microsoft Outlook Server: Port: 587 but still its showing authentication failed  user name and paasword are also correct
1 answers

Hi omkar,

  • Verify the server address: Make sure you have entered as the server address.
  • Double-check the port number: Confirm that the port number is set to 587.
  • Check username and password: Ensure that the credentials you provided are correct and match your Outlook account.
  • Enable "Allow less secure apps": If applicable, enable this option in your Outlook account settings to allow access from Mendix.
  • Verify SSL/TLS settings: Choose the appropriate SSL/TLS option (e.g., "STARTTLS" or "SSL/TLS") based on Outlook's requirements.
  • Check network connectivity: Ensure that your Mendix server can establish a connection to the SMTP server. Check for any network restrictions or firewalls.
  • Test with alternate email provider: Configure Mendix email settings with a different provider to isolate the issue.

Hope it helps!!!
