Header for every page when printing

Hello all,  I have text in a data grid that calculates todays date and another list view underneath when printing I want the todays date to be a header and to repeat on top of every page.   Document generation is not a solution for me due to the nature if the domain model.   Below is the view using ctrl-p i would like the header to be at the top of every page. generated by the list view. FYIA  
3 answers


You can set Enable Header to True in your Document template properties


In the header section => Add a table => static label  => Add this caption   =>   Page [%pageNumber%] of [%totalPageCount%]

Hope this is helpful!


I used CSS header function to rerpeat the attribute at the top of every printed page. Note : this also worked for the footer. i used CSS header function to rerpeat the attribute at the top of every printed page. Note : this also worked for the footer. 


Hi Jack,


I just stumbled upon your question. It seems that you might be able to reach your goal by using one of the widgets below. They can be used in conjunction with the Document Generator service. As this service is based o ctrl+p; I do think that it will fulfill your request.



