Hi Fahima Begum Shiak,
Follow the steps given below,
Step 1: Create three pages- Wizard_One, Wizard_Two, Wizard_Three
Step 2: From home page call a microflow from buttom, in that microflow create one customer entity and pass that object to the first page(Wizard_One)
Step 3: In Wizard_One page add data view and configure customer entity. Step 4: In that page add wizard building block and configure pages in each step. Step 5: In the next button call the next wizard_two(repeat 3) for the next two page.
Step 6: In the finial page on submit button call a microflow and commit the customer entity.
Hi Ajitha Deborah D,
thankyou for your answer, if I commit customer entity at last submit button, then what about other two entities project and problem entities.
and after storing details here I want to use a workflow inside a microflow where the request regarding problem will goto manager and then manager will assign one engineer to look after the problem and he provide a solution and then manager has to pay certain amount
Hi Fahima Begum Shiak,
I can understand your question, so in you, case create three entities customer, Project, and problem and follow the steps:
Step 1: Create Customer Entity, Project Entity and associate with customer(1-1), Project entity and associate with customer(1-1)
Step 2: From home page buttom call microflow and create all the entity and associate it.
Step 3: In the first page configure customer entity in dataview.
Step 4: In second page configure the customer in data view and use data view inside dataview and configure project entity from customer association in second data view.
Step 5: In third page configure the customer in data view and use data view inside dataview and configure problem entity by assciation from customer in second data view.
Step 6: Finially in the submit microflow pass the customer entity as parameter and retrive the project and problem entity from customer and store(Commit the data).
Step 7: After that, in the same microflow you can create workflow for problem entity to send to managers.
Ping me if you have any queries.