Hi All, From our Mendix application we are doing Export to JSON. the generated file contains the details in one line. For example: export is done with details as {"key":"value","key":"value","key":{"key":"value"},"key":{"key":"value","key":"value"}} Question : How can we prettify/format json in mendix before the export , so that we have below result in the json file. { "key": "value", "key": "value", "key": { "key": "value" }, "key": { "key": "value", "key": "value" } }
Hemant Kumar
1 answers
you have three options:
Send your json to an online service for JSON beautify. But probably you don’t want to send your data to some online service, which leaves you with option 2.
Create a java action for pretty-print/beautify of your JSON. There are some java libraries that you can leverage. But be careful not to import too many dependencies, some of them are heave.
Some examples:
Gson: https://github.com/google/gson
JSON-Java: https://github.com/stleary/JSON-java
Option 2 of course is also possible as a JavaScript action